About Us
Unleash Potential is a non-profit organization (certification #(2)001-05-00998) continuing the 60+ year public service legacy of the Foreign Community Supporting Committee (FCSC) in supporting Challenged Children in Japan. The FCSC was established in 1958 as a volunteer organization, formed in partnership with the National Council of YMCAs of Japan, by business leaders and ambassadors who lived in and loved Japan. Through charity events, donations from companies and individuals, and education of the general public, Unleash Potential aims to foster the holistic growth of these underserved Japanese children and help them unleash their potential.
Our Vision
Help create a socially inclusive world where Challenged Children can reach their full potential.
Our Values
Integrity • Diversity & Inclusion • Optimism • Fun
Our Mission
Support Japan’s Challenged Children in realizing their potential through creating an extensive network by:
1. Building Communities: Bringing together like-minded individuals and organizations through events and activities
2. Fundraising: Generating corporate and individual donations for the most effective Challenged Children’s programs in Japan
3. Enhancing Education: Providing relevant and effective information to key decision-makers as well as the general public

Our History
1 Dec 1958
The Foreign Community Support Committee (FCSC) was established as part of the National Council of YMCAs of Japan through the efforts of the New Zealand Embassy.
The FCSC was founded in 1958 to raise moral and financial support for the YMCA from foreigners living in Japan and to strengthen relationships between foreigners and Japanese
1 Dec 1958
Mr. Douglas Kenrick is the first FCSC Chairman
1 Apr 1959
FCSC kicks off the General Letter Campaign to raise funds for the National Council of YMCAs of Japan Community programs throughout Japan
1 Jan 1987
The FCSC establishes its primary focus on Challenged Children
14 May 1987
First Charity Run, sponsored by the National Council of YMCAs of Japan and FCSC, was established by Mr. Charles K. Wilson and raises ¥3 million.
17 Jan 1995
FCSC Members volunteered and raised money for Great Hanshin earthquake
31 Dec 2005
The FCSC establishes over a dozen Charity Runs via the National Council of YMCAs of Japan throughout the country with over 6,500 participants, raising more than ¥37 million annually
1 Mar 2007
Clover Education Program for Children with Learning Disabilities commences at the Saitama YMCA – Urawa Center
11 Mar 2011
FCSC Members volunteered and raised money for the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster
14 Mar 2013
Australian Ambassador Miller hosts the FCSC Challenged Children Fundraising event that raises over ¥2 million
10 Dec 2016
FCSC receives over ¥1 million for Challenged Children programs from the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan following the annual ACCJ Charity Ball
1 Jan 2017
Mrs. Midori Kaneko becomes the first FCSC Chairwoman
1 Jun 2018
Mr. Roland C. F. Thompson becomes the new FCSC Chairman
15 Nov 2018
FCSC 60th Anniversary Gala “Unleash Your Potential”
FCSC exceeds 3,000 physically and mentally Challenged Children supported every year and has raised over ¥500 million. Since its establishment in 1958, the FCSC has supported over 38,000 Japanese children through annual programs and summer camps
June 2021
FCSC establishes the Non-Profit Organization “Unleash Potential”